Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So many thoughts running through my mind's heart. There is so much emotion built from a hypothetical foundation. I have so much to tell you, and so much that I want to hear. I want to fall asleep at 10AM because we stayed up so late talking. We could trade stories about life. I could tell you about how I've ended up in the hospital, or how my 'life scars' still show as a reminder of turmoil. You could tell me about how you always wanted a knight in shining armor to sweep you off of your feet. Time wouldn't exist, nor would it cease. The next day would parallel not the previous, as I would slowly begin to understand. Maybe the costume shop would have a knight's armor there ... maybe ... but I'll never know. For every time I see you, my hands get sweaty and my pulse quickens. My mouth ceases to work as you walk by. I guess someone else can rent that costume. I wish I could just disappear.

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